Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is the leading  company by Google in the field of Internet Advertising. After the eastablishment in 2003, it has been growing. Till today no one has ever grown as a competition to AdSense.They stand as the best.Thge main income of google is from Adsense itself. Google earns an approximate of 760 USD per second just from Adsense.

Adsense have a lot of Advertisors than any other companies, Google Adwords is the network that the Google advertisors use. The Ads by the Google adwords advertisors are delivered in their sites by the Adsense publishers.

Getting an Adsense account in an immense task indeed , but it is the best.. Every bloggers who are very well known in the field tries to get an Adsense account so that they can make money out of their blog.Of course they are the largest CPC providers

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thumbnail Folders 1.3.0 S^3 Anna Belle UnSigned from Lantern Soft

What is  Thumbnail Folders ? This is a tool to convert your folders icons from tiles to thumbnail to show the content of folders.

You have to run this app each time when content of your folders changed and you want update images on the folders. Are you got it?

It is very important application if you like to modif your phone appearance. :D

How to use, just follow my steps:

1. Make folder and place your application inside using standard menu (default from phone)
2. In the app, select menu and click/touch "Update folders" item.
3. Wait few seconds until popup "Folder appearance has been changed" appears.
4. Exit the application. Repeat after changes in folders.
5. Done


How to Add More Smilies in myBB Forum

 Its very simple to do, just follow this steps:

1. First, Upload your image with its folder to your hosting (in folder public_html/images/smilies/yoursmiliesfolder).
2. Second, go to your site admin panel.
3. Then, Click tab configuration - smilies.
4. Click tab add multiple smilies in the top of many default smilies.
5. After that, type your smilies location or path. In this condition, you write this : public_html/images/smilies/yoursmiliesfolder
6. Click "show smilies" and configure it then save.
7. Your new smilies finally done :D.

Bercak Red Mini By Ghie - Theme For Symbian S^1

[Image: 252747_450375928306471_1363337877_n.jpg]

Lets Download, before it be premium, it is a theme from Ghie at Neomegabyte.com. Just click download, its free hehe.

Download Here

Monday, June 11, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III Now Available IN India

S Voice

Why not get a response from your phone? Tell it to wake up!
Even better, you can tell the Samsung GALAXY S III to turn off 
the alarm for a few minutes and let yourself sleep a bit more.
Answer your phone (or reject a call), turn your music up
(or down), and even tell the camera when to shoot.

S Beam

Sharing your content with friends nearby should be easy, quick, and
even fun. S Beam lets you bond instantly so you can transfer
documents, contacts, pictures, music, videos, you name it. Just put
the backs of your phones together, connect, share and en


Whether it's the ocean's horizon or a majestic forest of Nordic firs, 
one thing is apparent: there are no straight lines in nature. The Samsung GALAXY S III's 
minimal and organic design is reflected in its smooth and non-linear lines. 
Its human-centric nature provides an ergonomic and comfortable experience 
with enhanced usability. Its comfortable grip, gentle curves and platinum 
organic form deliver a natural look and feel.


Network/Bearer and Wireless Connectivity2GEDGE/GPRS (850/900/1800/1900 MHZ)
Bluetooth Profiles4.0 LE
OSAndroid 4.0 (ICS)
DisplayTechnologyHD Super AMOLED
Color Depth16M
Size12.192 cms
Resolution720*1280 (HD)
ChipsetType (Dual, Quad)Quad Core Application Processor
CPU Speed1.4GHz

Approximate Price Rs. 42500

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Review On Nokia Pureview 808, With 41 MP Camera.

Nokia, One of the graeatest mobile companies didnot fall after seeing Another Ffamous Company namely Samsung rising in the development of SmartPhone.Nokia, the company which brought a drastic change in the field of Mobile by introducing the Mobile Camera concept through the N70 Series is going to test their latest hope through introducing their latest creation namely NOKIA PUREVIEW 808. The time of Cameras with 10 MP and 12 MP are going to end with the release of Nokia PureView, Infact Nokia is going to prepare for their comeback in this industry by introducing the first ever SmartPhone with 41 MP HD camera. 

The Nokia Pureview 808 contains may other awesome features such as 41 MP astronoical camera senser, Call says Optics, 4X lossless Zoom, Billion Pixels/Second Capture Capacity and going on.It also contains 4 inch touch screen has 640 × 360 resolution display - the size is standard size for Symbian OS -. This phone is a 1.3GHz processor and has 16GB of internal memory. The time slots for adding RAM is not intended for you. It was introduced at the exhibition Mobile World Congress 2012 in Barcelona.This is the reason why there is lot of inqueries by the people, who infact didnt search about othere NOkia Phones seaching and trying to know more about the features of Nokia Pureview 808.

It has 1080 ( Full HD) Video recording FAcility also. The estimated price for it is Rs. 32,000.( Indian Market) About 700-800 $

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Official UC Browser Cloud 8.3.1 Handler UI Released | Download.


Uc Browser cloud 2nd test for java as been officially released on May 18 , 2012 by the UC team.The new version is different from others.It comes with a lot of cloud features. One among the new  features is the UDisk and AppGallery. UDisk for free online storage and AppGallery with a lot of  free Apps.

Mr.Dzebb from YKHandler has made the HAndler version of it and has officially released it.Mr.Yosep Karli (YK Handler) , Mr. Dzebb and myself know the secret behind the handler very well. Both Dzebb  and Yk are experts in this while I am a learner. I have posted the Android Handler of UC web and  Opera mini in YKhandler. Here , in my simple new blog, I just give my readers the link to download
these awesome apps.

The new handler 204 comes with an awesome interface , just check it out.Say a big thanks to Dzebb
( J.V. Diaz)

Monday, June 4, 2012

How To Get The Jar File From Jad?

Hope that you all use java applications on your mobile devices.Java apps , mostly are installed in your devices through J2Me platforms. And of course, you all know that JAR is the installation package for JAVA apps.

While downloading from the Net, mostly you will get a JAD file instead of Jar file.If your phone has acctive internet connection, then the Jad file automatically connects to the internet and downloads the Jar package and  installs it in your phone, the main demerit of this is that you wont get the jar package manually for later usage. In case if you accidently deleted it, then you have to download the file again and install it it your Mob, And if you dont have an active Internet connection in your Phone , then the Jad file is of no use. But JAR file is always usable.

Before, when I used to download a Java app, I always used to get the jad file and I used to delete it.But today, I search for JAD files.

Here is the best method to get the JAR file from JAD file. Download the JAD file in your PC. Then use any text editor(Notepad or Wordpad) , I prefer wordpad so that the text will be line by line , then find this line:


This is the link where you get to download the default JAR file. Download it in your PC and send it to your MObile.Then click on the file and install it. You can use this JAR how many times you want. So dont wonder while downloading Any java app.jad, just open it up and take the link.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Facebook thinks the security of its users

The problem of computer viruses worries more and more users, concerned that their data is stolen and used illegally. A problem that seems to interest and to which lately seems tobe sensitized even Facebook.
The social network has decided to make shipping safer for its users, making arrangements with the major antivirus vendors like Symantec, McAfee, Trend Micro,Sophos and Microsoft. Thanks to social networks so we will have free licenses up to ayear, depending on the product. The decision was made to educate users to the security of your PC and protect users from attack by the Social Spam

Currently, according to industry studies, the content of spam to be infected are only 4% of the data. Surely a small percentage compared to those of the mail which represent 90%.Very interesting initiative by the social created by Mark Zuckerberg, who is about to reach nearly one billion users who want to offer a new and interesting service. A theme, that of security, which in recent times seems to be very interested in the social that had recentlypointed out its appreciation to the Cispa (Cyber
​​-Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) that could lead government agencies to have better data accuracy and reserved.
Through Joel Kaplan, vice president of public policy in the social, Facebook has defined the Cispa a useful tool to share more information about known and new attacks andthreats to both private individuals to government systems. The Marketplace Antivirus canbe considered the first step toward building a Facebook protection system against virus attacks digital

The success of Android and Microsoft also convinces IOS

It seems that there is no longer any kind of doubt that mobile operating systems that dominate and dominate the market for the next few years will continue to be the operating system of Google and Apple's iPhone OS. To confirm it the latest figures released byIDC, which have revealed how the two systems continue to dominate the global market forsmartphones.

According to the report because the two great antagonists represent a good 82% of all shipments in the first quarter of this year. Android would reach as much as 59% with 89.9 million shipped, Apple fights back but with 23% with 35.1 million of IOS devices; distantthird in Symbian 6.8 and RIM still 6.4% of the market. Bad news for Microsoft that seescalara its operating systems and move from 2.6% in the first quarter of 2011 to 2.2% in 2012.
Probably, and this confirms the fact that the future of mobile steps for Android and Applehas convinced Microsoft to create a special site "Office" for the two operating systems.To disseminate the news as the BGR says that according to reliable sources thecompany Gates would be ready to spread their "Office" not only on the iPad d as in the past but there was talk that Apple and other devices on those based on operating systemAndroid. With an app that most likely we will see from the month of November.
Already long ago there was talk of a possible arrival of the more famous programaWindows on Apple tablet but the rumors were quickly denied by both Houses. This time the news appears to be real and in November we will have the option to have Word, Excel and Powerpoint in the major mobile devices.

For all the children here is the return of the Pokemon console

In our review we are concerned to explain the pros and cons of PokéPark 2: The world of desires. The game, as you might guess from the title, is the direct sequel of PokéPark:Pikachu's Adventure, released almost two years ago. Of course the game is inspired by the heroes of so many small children or the Pokemon.

Although the target definitely more childish, PokéPark 2: The world of desires offers a story a little 'more mature than usual. The new adventures of Pikachu looks like a collection of mini-games, introduced by linear phase of exploration and linked by a weak, simple storyline and ephemeral.

The battles are very simple but fans of the series will appreciate the ability to control their heroes in person, instead of giving orders in the shoes of the usual coach. The graphics isvery functional in the game. The three-dimensional graphics has the advantage of helpingthe player to take one more step in the immersion into the world of colorful and cutePokemon. The monsters, in particular, have gained much from the transposition into threedimensions: the animation, the movements and the large range of facial expressionsprovide a degree of Pokemon deeper characterization.
The game does not excel in specific details so as the degree of difficulty is pretty low as a title for the smallest children. The quantity and variety of any Mario Party are short light years away, but there is enough material to make happy users excited by the idea of controlling Pokémon, than any other sources.

Nexus, The Google Tablet

We often talked about in these days of the New iPad which is surely the product of the moment and is demonstrated by the great public successBut the Apple tablet could soon have a rival brave. In fact, rumors continue to leak out that the new tablet riguarderebberethat Google would think of making out.
tablet of which in these pages we have already mentioned that most likely the result of the union of the Mountain View company's strengths and Asusbut that these days came the rumor as expected, that the price to be of about $ 149. The 'Nexus Tab'this is thename eventually given to the competitor iPad, will be out probably in May and will seeamong its features a quad-core processor Nvidia Tegra SoC 3 (chip MeMo 370T).

Entries continue its two versionsthe first 7-inch with resolution of 1280 × 800 pixels andoperating system of course we will find the latest editions of Google Android 4.0 IceCream Sandwichwith all the new features on Google Play Store, which has replaced themarket , ie the music store but also qello of books and movies.
But those who arrive from Google are not the only news regarding the tabletin fact, Sonyhas announced that as of April his two tablets, the 'Sony Tablet P' and 'Sony Tablet S' will have the long-awaited update to Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream SandwichAn update is important because it introduces innovations like the new user interfacethe ability to access the camera from the unlock screen and downloading the appropriate app cancommunicate with Sony Blu Ray ii recorders that allow it.
The competition to Apple tablet is increasingly fierce.